Equine acupuncture is a highly sought-after modality, keeping performance and pleasure horses in top shape.
Safe alternative to medication, useful for horses in competition.
Decreases stress & reduces inflammation.
Beneficial for soft tissue back and neck pain.
Promotes self healing capacity.
Tissue repair support.
Trigger point deactivation.
Good for circulatory problems & insufficiencies.
Helps those who are who have wind and laryngeal issues.
Neurological problems.
Facilitates fertility in breeding mares..
Small animal Acupuncture
How can acupuncture help my pet?
Acupuncture helps musculoskeletal pain and lack of mobility. It can help when your conventional medicines are not as effective for your pet as they once were. Or if you would like to start to reduce the amount of tablets your pet is taking.
Acupuncture boosts immunity. It is good for anxiety issues and for senior patients. One could say that it gives your pet a 'helping hand at being old'.
Acupuncture is also good for chronic skin issues & arthritis.
It speeds wound healing and increases well being.
Does it hurt?
No, the needles are very tiny and pets on the whole, tend to relax during treatment.
Acupuncture is now covered by many pet plan policies.
Check with your insurance provider today.
Equine Practice
Ambulatory service for routine visits, Examinations & health checks;
Blood sampling;
Vettings (Pre purchase examinations);
Equine Passport Certification and Microchipping;
Reproductive services;
Mobile diagnostic ultrasound;
Lameness and poor performance assessment;
Respiratory problems.
Food therapy for pets
We are what we eat. It is no different for our pets. 'Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food'. Tailor made recipes for cats and dogs according to syndrome, type, propensity to disease or simply to promote & maintain optimum health.